Our most recent success story showcases the remarkable recovery of one of St. Albans A.C.'s exceptional young athletes. Meet Oscar, whose quick turnaround following a serious knee injury is nothing short of extraordinary.
During a high jump competition, Oscar suffered a severe injury when he landed awkwardly, resulting in a substantial wound at the back of his knee. As he got up from the floor, his knee swelled up, making it impossible for him to put any weight on it. Seeking immediate medical attention, he received crutches at the minor injuries department. However, after ten days he came to our clinic seeking some help, as he was unable to bend or straighten his knee due to his week-long reliance on crutches. Additionally, his ankle had become extremely stiff, preventing him from placing his foot flat on the ground.
Through dedicated physiotherapy, adhering to the advice and prescribed exercises meticulously, Oscar made an astonishing recovery. Just two appointments later, he regained full range of motion in both his ankle and knee, completely eliminating any limp and was back running. Within a mere two weeks, he defied all odds and competed for Hertfordshire at the English Schools Championships in the 800m event. What's more, he managed to secure a place in the final, surpassing some of the country's most formidable athletes with an impressive time of 1 minute and 58 seconds!

What adds an extra layer of awe to Oscar's achievement is the fact that he only took up running in January, and yet he has already established himself as one of the country's finest 800m runners in his age group.
"Oscar hurt himself during an athletics session at school undertaking high jump. The back of his leg was badly bruised and he had a skin tear. This meant it was hard for him to put his foot flat on the ground, which made him unable to walk properly for a while. We contacted James and asked for support to manage his injury as we only had a few weeks before Oscar was competing in a national competition.
After 10 days we booked in to see James as it was only at this point the swelling had subsided. He was still not able to bend his leg more than 90 degrees, couldn’t straighten it and couldn’t get his foot flat on the ground. James manipulated his foot and gave him exercises to undertake. Within a few days Oscar was walking normally and within a week he was training. James gave further support to try to strengthen the muscles that had weakened in the time.
It was a very stressful time and it was touch and go whether Oscar would be able to compete. However, he did race and managed a PB and got into the finals at the English Schools Track and Field National Championships."
- Karen Nagalingam
I am excited to see how Oscar develops as an athlete in the future, as long as he can keep himself out of harms way!
James McMurray
